What is the Future of Pharmacy?
Read the full article in the Canadian Pharmacists Journal Jan/Feb 2019.
Provided by:

and automatically generate Meds Check forms.

app easily!
patients to remotely place orders at their convenience.
With 24/7 access, patients are able to avoid queues
at the dispensary counter.

page easily!
will receive your login information to customize
your pharmacy app.
- Designed & Built on robust IBM software.
- Completely customizable by you for your customers and your pharmacy workflow.
- Offers new and existing customers the convenience of filling new RX FILLS/REFILLS and OTC without waiting.
- Automated RX refill reminders to keep continuous contact with your patients.
- Integrated with your pharmacy software to reduce waiting time and data entry errors.
- Promote targeted services and products with sponsorship potential.
- Integrated Telemedicine Service and VIRTUAL VISIT MyVideoJoinApp.
- The app monitors patient vitals and drug adherence at home for early intervention using AI (Artificial Intelligence). (using PK+ OneCare app)
- Have more time with patients to offer PAID cognitive services (Like Meds Check) .
- Use secured Video Chat Recording to document & automatically generate Meds Check forms. (Optional service)
PK+ MyPharmacyApp provides an easy and secure way for pharmacy patients to remotely place orders at their convenience. With 24/7 access, patients are able to avoid queues at the dispensary counter.
Register Your App
Click here to register your app and start the customization process.
We will contact you about pricing and the next steps.
Select and configure
PK+ MyPharmacyApps
Once your reservation agreement is approved, you will receive your login information to customize your pharmacy app.
Upload customer information easily
Use your pharmacy software system to export your customers' profiles and log in to the website to upload the customers' profiles to your pharmacy app.
Receive your Pharmacy
After uploading your customers’ data, we will send you a PIN unique to your pharmacy, for you to share with your customers to allow them immediate access to your pharmacy app.
Market your Pharmacy App to your customers
Now PK+ MyPharmacyApps is ready for your customers to use. Give each of your customers the PIN, then they can download PK+ MyPharmacyApps from the App Store or Google Play and use the PIN to access your pharmacy.
Receive App orders and fill prescriptions
Login to our website using your UserID & password to view your customers' orders, prescriptions, insurance, payment method, updated medical profile, etc. Review each order and transfer it to your pharmacy software to complete the filling.

Register New Patients
Pharmacy patients are pre-registered for immediate use of the app.

Update Patients Profile
Provides up-to-date medical profile details directly to your pharmacy system.

Find Medication Easily
Search list of medication, compare price easily and add to shopping cart.

Fill New Prescriptions
Fill new order in a few seconds directly to your pharmacy software.

Refill Reminders
In addition, provides users with customized services such as refill and appointments reminders.

Takes Picture of the Rx
The app takes picture of the prescription and instantly sends it encrypted to your pharmacy.

Payment & Insurance
Provides payment options such as insurance or credit card for each order.

Pharmacy Transfers
Fill or transfer prescription(s) at another pharmacy easily in a few steps.