Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /www/wwwroot/www.mypharmacyapps.com/wp-content/plugins/imedica-core/framework/core/components/extensions/manager/class--fw-extensions-manager.php on line 3665
My Video Join | Pharmacy Apps USA | My Pharmacy App

Read more about My Video Join

PK+ MyVideoJoin

What is
PK+ MyVideoJoin?

Now you can have easy,
on-demand patient counselling/MedsCheck

How it works

Security & Privacy

Visualized telehealth made easy.


Patient care provided within the home.

Easier Workflow

Integrates with healthcare applications.

Optimized Support

Engages family, environment, caregivers.


No travel for Professional Consultation.


Saves cost, time & overcomes physical limitations.

Now available on the App Store!

Patient Interface:

Healthcare Provider Interface:

Upcoming features:


Now you can have easy, on-demand patient counselling/Meds Check

Healthcare should be simple, fast, and uncomplicated. Our app makes it easy to document pharmacist-patient Meds Check counseling at your pharmacy or home. It can even print the forms directly from your pharmacy computer, and in future versions, translate languages.

Request a Free Demo

Fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up the demo.

Name of business
Contact phone number